Narkose beim Zahnarzt

Despite careful and gentle treatment, sometimes general anesthesia is reasonable and may be considered in the following situations:

  • very young children
  • extensive surgery
  • insurmountable fears (among children and adults)

Before surgery, a detailed discussion on the exact procedure and risk is conducted. 

In general anesthesia undertaken, all teeth in need of therapy are treated at once, so that further treatment can be delayed as long as possible.

Anesthesia in our practice is performed by an experienced, mobile anesthesia team. This team ensures safe and gentle pain elimination during outpatient surgery and continuous monitoring of patients' state of health. 

After the procedure patients stay in the recovery room until the anesthetist releases them.

Children and adults generally tolerate anesthesia very well. Prerequisites are a healthy heart and a stable circulation.

The anesthetist decides whether treatment under general anesthesia is appropriate. In all cases, an examination by the family doctor or pediatrician is necessary.