
What to do in an emergency?


During the opening hours we are there for you, no matter if you have any pain, had an accident or a tooth is broken.

Emergency service


Outside office hours, please contact the emergency dental service of the SSO-Basel by calling +41 (0)61 261 15 15, which is open 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

+41 (0)61 322 03 37

Frequently asked questions about dental accidents

Rinse with water. In case of heavy bleeding apply pressure by using a cloth or bandage.
Do not forget to check whether your tetanus vaccination is updated. In case of doubt,
contact your general practitioner.

Depending on the type of tooth affected and the type of accident, different procedures
are indicated.

Information Milchzahlunfall
Information Zahnunfall SSO

In infants, the costs arising from dental accidents are covered by the compulsory health
insurance. Since the extent of the damage often only becomes apparent years later,
treatment may be much more expensive than anticipated.

For adults, the accident insurance will cover the costs.