Pediatric Dentistry

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Zahnmedizin speziell für Kinder

We recommend seeing a dentist after the first tooth’s eruption. For children under 6 years of age, the dental check-up is free of charge.

Children are not small adults and need individual care according to their age and stage of development.

"Healthy teeth from the start" is our credo.

Getting to know each other from the early beginning in a playful way prevents children to develop anxiety for the dentist and builds up a relationship of trust. 

Milk teeth fulfil important tasks besides mastication of food:

As a placeholder for the permanent teeth, as a stimulus for the development of the jaw and for the development of a clear pronunciation. It is therefore important to take care of dental health from the very beginning and to take systematic preventive measures. 

In order to prevent tooth and gum disease, regular check-ups in the dental office are recommended in addition to daily dental care at home.


Our offer

Controls/school dental controls:

Individual, 1-2 yearly



Fluoride varnishes provide protection for caries-active milk teeth


Fissure sealing:

Anatomically, there are humps, deep grooves and furrows on the molars, allowing food deposits to remain on the surface. These can be difficult to remove with a toothbrush.

In order to prevent caries, these fissures can be filled with thin-flowing plastic.

We seal not only the permanent, but also the milk molars, which are also exposed to this structural threat.


Extended fissure sealing:

If permanent molars are not sealed promptly after eruption (approx. 6 to 7 years of age), fissures can become discolored or even carious. To determine whether the tooth is carious, the thin fissures are widened slightly. If caries is discovered, it has to be removed and a filling is placed. If there is only discoloration, the fissure is directly sealed.


Filling therapy:

Caries causes the tooth substance to become soft, thus creating "holes".

In filling therapy, the caries is removed, the "holes" are filled with white, non-allergenic filling material and the tooth shape is restored.


Root canal treatment

If a "hole" is very large or deep, the root nerve must be removed and a root canal treatment must be performed.


Milk tooth crowns

In case of larger structural defects of the milk molars, a crown is an option, thereby preserving the tooth until replaced by the permanent molars.

A crowned milk molar behaves just like any other milk tooth, it loosens and eventually falls out to be replaced by its permanent successor.


Removal of milk teeth:

In case of severe inflammation or destruction of a milk tooth, it must be removed in order to spare the child suffering. This is done under local anesthesia and careful attention.


Gap holder:

After the premature loss of a milk molar, a space maintainer is usually inserted. This keeps the space free for the coming permanent tooth.

An imprint of the upper and lower jaw will be prepared so that the space maintainer can already be inserted in the next session.


Child hypnosis:

By telling exciting, crazy and sometimes confusing stories, we distract the children. Events and sensations during treatment can be integrated into the story. Children's attention is directed to a different focus.


Nitrous oxide treatment:

For very anxious children we can offer treatment under nitrous oxide.

The "magic air" is inhaled through a nasal mask and patients lose their anxiety and sense of time.

A prerequisite for this type of treatment is the ability and willingness (given approx. from 4 to 5 years of age) to breathe in and out through the nose during the treatment period.


Anesthetic treatment:

If children are still too young for nitrous oxide treatment, we offer - in cooperation with a mobile anesthesia team - treatment under general anesthesia.