Dental hygiene and prophylaxis

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Dentaly Hygiene, Zahnbürsten, Elektrische Zahnbürste

Healthy teeth are not only essential for a perfect smile, but also fundamentally affect your health and well-being. 

Routine dental cleanings and controls aid in preventing gingival and periodontal inflammation (gingivitis and periodontitis respectively), and effectively prevent or at least detect caries (dental cavities) at an early stage. 

Don't let caries happen!

Caries restricted to enamel does not necessarily need drilling.

Dental hygienists and assistants in prophylaxis are aware of appropriate measures and remove bothersome plaques and dental calculus. They take special care of those areas that are difficult or even impossible to reach during daily tooth brushing. 

Whereas assistants in prophylaxis primarily focus on the dental parts "above" the gingiva, dental hygienists, after having attended additional three years of training, are qualified to treat more demanding dental cases and to conduct dental cleaning "below" the gingiva.

Both dental hygienists and assistants in prophylaxis closely collaborate with the supervising dentist and elaborate an individual oral hygiene program. Together we discuss which measures and aids are needed and define the frequency of professional tooth cleanings (recall intervals).